Q: Where can I request a return or exchange?

You can request return or exchange through our contact page or via email: illuvielight@gmail.com. 

Q: I received a damaged item, what do I do?

We apologize that your shipment didn't arrive in perfect condition! Please email us your name, order number, and a picture of the damaged good for further assistance ( illuvielight@gmail.com ).

Q: How quickly can you answer my question(s)?

You can expect to hear back from us within 12-24 hours. However, there might be a delay if we are experiencing more inquiries than normal. You can reach us via email (illuvielight@gmail.com ).

Q: Can I change or cancel my order once I submit it?

Yes. You can cancel your placed order within the next 12 hours.

Q: How quickly is your return process?

Our return process is made to be as seamless as possible. We will request a few photos of the item, and we will request you to send it back to us. Once we receive the product, please allow 3-7 days for your return to approved. Once approved, you refund will be processed. 


Q: Do you ship to my country?

We ship worldwide to every country with different shipping methods.

Q: Is it possible to get free shipping?

Yes we offer free worldwide shipping

Q: When will my order ship?

We ship within the next 24-48 hours after receiving the payment.

Q: Can I track my orders?

We will send the tracking information for your order via email or SMS once your tracking numbers are live.

You can alternatively track your order using this site: https://www.17track.net/en

If you have any concerns, please contact us.
